Admissions Information:

In selecting students for YESHIVA TORAH OHR, the Board of Admissions looks for academic excellence and ability, a sincere interest in exploring authentic Torah study and Jewish Observance, and personal characteristics including motivation, curiosity, and leadership ability. All information will be kept in strict confidence.

All applications will be reviewed by the Board of Admissions, and will be followed by a phone interview. For further information please call Rabbi Immanuel Storfer, program director at 786-268-9770

In addition to filling out the application, please email a recent photograph of yourself to [email protected]

Please send in an essay describing yourself and what you hope to gain from your studies at YeshivaTorah Ohr. (approximately 500 words)

Note: This essay will be a significant factor in scholarship allocation. 


First Name
Last Name
Hebrew Name
Fathers Name
Father's Hebrew Name
Mother's Name
Mother's Hebrew Name
Mother's Maiden Name
Are you Jewish?
Yes No
Were you born Jewish?
Yes No
Is your Mother Jewish?
Yes No
Is your Father Jewish?
Yes No
Were there any Conversions in your family?
State, Zip
Mobile #
Email Address


Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact #
Do you have any medical conditions that the program should be made aware of? If yes, please describe any special need you might have.
Have you been hospitalized in the past 5 years? Yes  No If yes please indicate below
Length of hospitalization    Month         Year
Have you ever recieved psychological treatment and/or counseling in the past?
Yes  No
If yes, please explain:
Are there any medical/emotional conditions you currently have or have had in the past?
Yes No
If yes, please list:
Are there any restrictions on activities
(swimming, hiking, etc.)?
Yes No
If yes, please list:

Current Educational Institution
Your Rabbi on Campus
Major or Field of Specialization
From (mm/yy) To (mm/yy) Institution Degree GPA
Please give a record of your work experience, listing the most recent first:
Jewish and Hebrew Education since childhood
From (mm/yy) To (mm/yy) Institution Level/Degree


Please describe in detail your Jewish educational background, if any. Please include any Hebrew school, Talmud Torah, or Jewish Day School experience.

Do you identify with any of the following categories?

Recently became Observant
Previously attended Yeshiva program(s)
From (mm/yy) To (mm/yy) Institution
Other Chabad National programs I have attended:
International Campus Shabbaton
Sinai Scholars Retreat
Mayanot Birthright
Essay: What do you hope to gain from this program?
Desired Date of Enrollment   
Length of Stay        Months       


References (Ex. Chabad Rabbi)
Name Phone # Email Relationship
How did you hear about this program?
Are you applying for a scholarship?  Yes  No